Thursday, December 23, 2010

Lord my desire...

I want to be more like Jesus.
I long for something more out of this life and I know that everything I desire comes from being like him.
I downloaded the bible on my iPod and so far it's great. I hope it will help me be able to read and study gods word more, Whig honestly I have never been good at doing.
But I know being a servant is more than reading inspired words. It means action and application. I want all this too. I want to devote time to people who need it, to be more active with the time I have and to put more value into my relationships with people (those I know and those I don't)
Even typing this out I know it wont be an instant/easy change but hopefully I can eventually grow into someone who shines with the light of god.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gobble Gobble

Thanksgiving break was soooo great!
lots of sleep! got to see and catch up with friends!

Now its back to school and work. but only for 3 weeks. Im not sure if that makes it easier or harder.

in any case, getting back into school is never pleasant or easy, but i am sure glad to be back with everyone here! i sure do love my friends here!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Its been awhile

It has been a very busy few weeks since I have last posted.
Not that anyone reads this, so I guess that is fine.
I have had "Millie" performed and over, a week long Piper tour, and now headed into the end of Fall and beginning of Spring semester.

Millie was wonderful, I loved it always!
Piper tour was long and exhausting, but oh so very great!
I am in a student director spring show.
I am stage managing spring sing (which call backs for ensemble just ended tonight).
I am IN the musical theatre class I was worried so much about in the previous post.

I am sickly because of the first two things in this list.

Tomorrow at midnight I am seeing part 1 of the 7th Harry Potter movie.
Friday I am seeing Mae on their farewell tour (and I will be SOOOOO tired).
Friday I am going home for Thanksgiving break! A break that is very much needed.

Life is busy but life is good.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Musical Theatre

So....I auditioned for this class....and i seriously doubt i will actually get in. there are better people...people that can actually sing in front of people like they can sing by themselves.

i am so sick of not being able to audition or sing in front of people as well as i know i can sing! i am not tone deaf....i can hear myself when i sing...and i am not saying i am awesome by any stretch of the imagination...but im not awful...and im not as bad as my auditions make me seem...just cant freaking do it when it counts.

so. alas. i auditioned. maybe i will be granted a miracle. we shall see.

i really hope so because i LOVE musical theatre and want to be good at it.

Monday, October 18, 2010


i cant keep letting myself do this
i cant i cant i cant i cant i cant

why does my brain work this way?

A life defined by "where" and "at what time"

that should really be the name of this blog. should be the name of anything involving my life at this moment.

today i was non-stop from getting up for my 9am job till 10:30pm when i finally got to come home, sit on my couch, have my wonderful boyfriend rub my feet, watch the office, and relax. it was a tad ridiculous. and that is how my life has been for...oooh since the 2nd week of school. it is a constant state of "where do i have to be at what time?" and "what do i have to do now?" ... not a relaxing and healthy way to live. not when you are taking classes, are involved in two productions, and have 2-3 jobs. when do i find time to hang out with people and read for acting and study for photography you ask?...thats right...i dont really.

but enough complaining, because besides being (alliteration) continually on the go, i am enjoying life as a whole.

the musical is 2 1/2 weeks from opening
we have our first piper show (local tour) this thursday! (not even going to start on how much energy i DONT have for that tour)
boyfriend is amazing
did well in my acting/character interview today
this week is a four day weekend! fall break!

life definitely has its positives, which makes it all worth it.
that and, while i might be super swamped, i like what i am doing that keeps me that you know :-)

This 3 day weekend will be wonderful. full of seeing friends and family back home and relaxing (aka, sleep).

as for now i am going to ignore the fact that i have a load of clothes in the dryer that has been there for the better part of a week. i'm going to ignore the fact that i have three chapters for acting that were supposed to be due friday. ignore my photo test i have wednesday. and mostly ignore my desire to waste time not sleeping

i am off to bed
goodnight world

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sickly :(

I am sick...all the time!!!

I am pretty sure...and by pretty sure I mean, 90% sure...that I am allergic to something in my apartment!!

I have bad allergies anyway, but I wake up in the morning, every morning, feeling super yucky and bad. It has caused several absent days from work and many used tissues.

I dislike it!

I dont want to feel yucky!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

catching up

So, I believe there are some things I need to catch up on and tell about. Like Jason Mraz and my one year.

Well, working the Jason Mraz concert was good stuff. We were working from 8:15 am until 1:30 am. it was a LONG day, but overall a very positive one. getting to work on a bigger name production is awesome and will look good on a resume, and is always to nice to get to do. got to work with people who do this all the time; and for the most part they were pretty cool.
I was able to work backstage with Liz and Chris during the actual show, which led to me not only meeting/shaking hands with Jason Mraz, but ironing the shirt he wore before the show!! It was a new button up shirt, so it still have all the "new wrinkles" and he asked if we could iron it for him. and then he had a retarded tiny ironing board, so with the help of Liz and Chris we got that sucker iron, looking good, and ready for him to wear during the was pretty great :-)

That was saturday. then sunday riley and i had our one year anniversary :-)
we both slept in because we worked ALL DAY for the concert, then after getting all dressed up we went to the river market in little rock and walked around and took some pictures. however, i wish i would have known how windy/cold it was going to be because i was super unprepared for the coldness. no jacket or anything. and riley wore long sleeves and a vest so he didnt even have a jacket to loan me. but it was nice non the less. then we went to eat at red lobster, which is always a great choice. then we came back and napped for a little while until i had dance rehearsal. It wasnt much, but it was nice time together.
Riley also got me the pair of toms i wanted. they are the morocco ones. my very first pair (long overdue), and i love them! even though we talked about NOT doing anniversary gifts...but i guess i dont mind too much :-)

besides that, school is school and work is work. it is all going very well.
i love the troupe this year for Pipers, they are all so wonderful!
we are on time(ish) for the musical i think. today was our first saturday work day, which is a HUGE improvement from last year, so i am happy about that.

rehearsals for the musical are going well also. tomorrow we run through act 1 for the first time...that will be interesting/fun. but i am super loving being a dancer in the show this year. soooo much better than just being tech. i love dancing and singing and being onstage. i love going to rehearsals. i love it all! AND what is even better, we get to tap dance! i took lessons over the summer because i knew we were probably going to add tap in the office numbers, and i discovered a love of tap dance! it is so much fun!

I believe that is really everything of importance.
life is good.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


my blog background is of bright grafitti....haha this makes me laugh. I will probably change it soon. I dont think i could take my blog seriously with this background. haha.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


jason mraz concert last night

my one year with riley today!!!

good stuff

more details to come! :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Tonight was the second night I wore character heels to dance rehearsal. Last night we worked on the "speak easy" scene, and besides being off balance more than normal due to turning and dipping and such in heels, it wasnt bad.....

tonight however!

the opening number the first time in heels was a CALF KILLER!! it burned!
but, as my boyfriend so joyfully reminded me: my calves will look great by the time this show is over. and that is true. they will be pretty smoking :-p haha. psh.

next week we start TAP DANCE REHEARSALS!!! i am soooo excited!!! i took tap lessons over the summer and completely loved them! im excited to get to try out my lessons by learning a routine. it will be challenging, but im ready!

i am also excited about the fact that tomorrow is FRIDAY!
i should be reading and doing homework...but im tired....i might do one chapter...ugh who knows. we shall see. not doing it is so much more tempting.

as much as i would like this weekend to be low key and as much as i would like to sit and do nothing all weekend...its pretty busy.

friday i have a meeting for production crew and then going with riley's friends to play putt putt golf. saturday i am working crew for the JASON MRAZ concert all day. sunday is my ONE YEAR!!!!
YAY!!!! SO EXCITED! that is a date/boyfriend day. and then rehearsal that night.


well, maybe its homework time. at least one chapter.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

drama and gossip

being a theatre major, these things are bound to happen.

the nosey part of me likes to just know whats going on...
the other (larger) part of me is glad that im not involved in it and i never know about most of it.

now these things, plus others, have landed our department a mandatory devo/meeting.
im interested to see how this goes.

besdies that, lets see....

musical is going well. classes are going pretty well. work is fine. and in just 3 days i will have been with riley walling for a year! and i love him! and i couldnt be happier! :-)

anyway, im off to bed...with no shower...gross, i know. but whatever. ill just do it during lunch. im tired.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010



....ugh....that felt good to get out...

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey! You found it! Yay!

Welcome to my 5th and final year at Harding University!
Its been good, and hopefully this last will be the best!

If I dont update a ton at first, dont be sad, I currently have no internet in the apartment, but soon that should change :-)

As for now, Im off to maybe actually do some work.