Sunday, September 26, 2010


jason mraz concert last night

my one year with riley today!!!

good stuff

more details to come! :-)

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Tonight was the second night I wore character heels to dance rehearsal. Last night we worked on the "speak easy" scene, and besides being off balance more than normal due to turning and dipping and such in heels, it wasnt bad.....

tonight however!

the opening number the first time in heels was a CALF KILLER!! it burned!
but, as my boyfriend so joyfully reminded me: my calves will look great by the time this show is over. and that is true. they will be pretty smoking :-p haha. psh.

next week we start TAP DANCE REHEARSALS!!! i am soooo excited!!! i took tap lessons over the summer and completely loved them! im excited to get to try out my lessons by learning a routine. it will be challenging, but im ready!

i am also excited about the fact that tomorrow is FRIDAY!
i should be reading and doing homework...but im tired....i might do one chapter...ugh who knows. we shall see. not doing it is so much more tempting.

as much as i would like this weekend to be low key and as much as i would like to sit and do nothing all weekend...its pretty busy.

friday i have a meeting for production crew and then going with riley's friends to play putt putt golf. saturday i am working crew for the JASON MRAZ concert all day. sunday is my ONE YEAR!!!!
YAY!!!! SO EXCITED! that is a date/boyfriend day. and then rehearsal that night.


well, maybe its homework time. at least one chapter.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

drama and gossip

being a theatre major, these things are bound to happen.

the nosey part of me likes to just know whats going on...
the other (larger) part of me is glad that im not involved in it and i never know about most of it.

now these things, plus others, have landed our department a mandatory devo/meeting.
im interested to see how this goes.

besdies that, lets see....

musical is going well. classes are going pretty well. work is fine. and in just 3 days i will have been with riley walling for a year! and i love him! and i couldnt be happier! :-)

anyway, im off to bed...with no shower...gross, i know. but whatever. ill just do it during lunch. im tired.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010



....ugh....that felt good to get out...

Monday, September 13, 2010


Hey! You found it! Yay!

Welcome to my 5th and final year at Harding University!
Its been good, and hopefully this last will be the best!

If I dont update a ton at first, dont be sad, I currently have no internet in the apartment, but soon that should change :-)

As for now, Im off to maybe actually do some work.