Saturday, October 9, 2010

catching up

So, I believe there are some things I need to catch up on and tell about. Like Jason Mraz and my one year.

Well, working the Jason Mraz concert was good stuff. We were working from 8:15 am until 1:30 am. it was a LONG day, but overall a very positive one. getting to work on a bigger name production is awesome and will look good on a resume, and is always to nice to get to do. got to work with people who do this all the time; and for the most part they were pretty cool.
I was able to work backstage with Liz and Chris during the actual show, which led to me not only meeting/shaking hands with Jason Mraz, but ironing the shirt he wore before the show!! It was a new button up shirt, so it still have all the "new wrinkles" and he asked if we could iron it for him. and then he had a retarded tiny ironing board, so with the help of Liz and Chris we got that sucker iron, looking good, and ready for him to wear during the was pretty great :-)

That was saturday. then sunday riley and i had our one year anniversary :-)
we both slept in because we worked ALL DAY for the concert, then after getting all dressed up we went to the river market in little rock and walked around and took some pictures. however, i wish i would have known how windy/cold it was going to be because i was super unprepared for the coldness. no jacket or anything. and riley wore long sleeves and a vest so he didnt even have a jacket to loan me. but it was nice non the less. then we went to eat at red lobster, which is always a great choice. then we came back and napped for a little while until i had dance rehearsal. It wasnt much, but it was nice time together.
Riley also got me the pair of toms i wanted. they are the morocco ones. my very first pair (long overdue), and i love them! even though we talked about NOT doing anniversary gifts...but i guess i dont mind too much :-)

besides that, school is school and work is work. it is all going very well.
i love the troupe this year for Pipers, they are all so wonderful!
we are on time(ish) for the musical i think. today was our first saturday work day, which is a HUGE improvement from last year, so i am happy about that.

rehearsals for the musical are going well also. tomorrow we run through act 1 for the first time...that will be interesting/fun. but i am super loving being a dancer in the show this year. soooo much better than just being tech. i love dancing and singing and being onstage. i love going to rehearsals. i love it all! AND what is even better, we get to tap dance! i took lessons over the summer because i knew we were probably going to add tap in the office numbers, and i discovered a love of tap dance! it is so much fun!

I believe that is really everything of importance.
life is good.

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